Stuff I’m working on

The main thing I need to get finished right now is the Judge Dredd test sculpt (see other posts).

Next on the list of priorities is a project for Khurasan Miniatures. These are some mounted Timurids. I love doing stuff for Khurasan. Firstly Jon is such a nice guy (and tolerates my less than lightning speed!) and the projects he gives me are interesting and diverse. They usually require extra research and broaden my knowledge of the ancient world. The latest batch are nearly done, just need to knuckle down.

I’ve done an Aurelian range of Romans for Khurasan and I think, as a thanks for tolerating my slowness, the beginning-to-end tutorial I’ll do on this blog will be a 15mm version of a certain Roman general (destined to become a gladiator, but perhaps not 100% historically accurate), and I’ll offer it to Jon as a freebie.

For Legends in Time I’m doing a 15mm range of Apaches to compliment his existing range of U.S. cavalry. Finished with the foot, now onto the mounted.

I’m collaborating with this crazy Amish dude up in Pennsylvania, under the name of B&D Miniatures, to do this very comprehensive range of 15mm American Revolution figures. Some basic British and Continentals have been done and are up for sale, and now non-uniformed militia are in the works. This is fun, and who knows, maybe I’ll get a penny or two out of it some day! The bigger the range, the more chance people will buy into it I realize (well hopefully anyway). Only trouble is, these have to take a back seat to paying commissions, so I have to fit them in when I can.

Also for B&D, though strictly for Jacob and not the both of us, I’m doing a 54mm range of Napoleonics. These are toy soldiers so have exaggerated features, featureless faces, and mitten-like hands. Fun stuff.

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