
…that one can ill afford!

But first, Happy New Year to one and all (one, if I’m lucky). Hope the New Year sees you full of enthusiasm for fresh projects or a determination to finish old ones. I’ve certainly got a bunch of the latter, and I could rattle off a list of ideas of things I want to start. Trouble is, if I do that I’ll look back at the end of the year and depress myself with the few, if any, I’ll be able to strike off that list! Hey, it’s a hobby – what’ll get done will get done.

That being said, unexpected distractions can be a pleasant diversion, and it takes an iron will much stronger than mine to resist them and get on with the task in hand. Such was the recent case of the Swamp Slugs of Jargono.

These slimy chaps were a happy find in a local comic shop that I also happened upon for the first time. Duncanville Comics is the place, nice selection of games in addition to the comics. I hadn’t seen the Shadows of Brimstone game and miniatures up close and personal before, and while the game system does not appeal an awful lot some of the miniatures look rather useful and just … cool.

I came away with the Swamp Slugs with the idea that I could incorporate them into the D&D campaign I’m running for my boys.



The Gastropoda Giganta in question

There are 3 slugs in the box, each consisting of 2 halves, super easy to assemble. My initial thought was to slap these together and be done with it. No interruption to other tasks whatsoever. However, as lovely as they are, I figured a little variation in pose would make the trio a tad more interesting. They are a nice soft plastic so hacking them up a bit wasn’t too difficult, then they just needed some putty to fill the scars. I didn’t like the joins between the 2 parts, they are indented a bit, so I filled them in too.

Okay, they had taken up a little more time than anticipated so far but not enough to make me feel guilty as I glanced towards the commissions, unceremoniously brushed aside.

But, but, they cried out for one more thing … a victim. What could be more disgusting than the hapless adventurer that gets a wee bit too close?



One slug sprue and a bit of green stuff later



If he’d hung onto that sword he might have cut his way out…


Right, now, um, back to the tricorns.

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